Although Algeria is located on the African continent, almost no one looks like black people. Almost everyone here is Arab. 99% people follow Islam religion. Sunni Islam. It has influence on the constitution.
Significant aspects of the constitution are: safety in the workplace, especially health security. There is an obligation to take special care of children, even those who are abandoned children. No tax can be taken on back-date.
These are positive aspects. Now let's discuss the negative aspects.
Although there is a Constitution of this 23,71,741 square kilometer area country, everyone is more enthusiastic about not abiding by it than by abiding by it. Although the constitution stipulates that "no one's honor can be harmed, and if a person is taken into custody he is guaranteed to meet his family member and lawyer". In reality no one's condition is fine. Although the dominance of parliament exists legally, at different times powerful rulers have ruled exclusively.
The state religion is Islam. Arabic is the national and official language. Besides, the Tamazight language is also the national language. The President takes an oath in the name of Allah and begins his duties. There will be an Islamic Council for Shariah-related provisions.

Admirable Articles of Algeria’s Constitution
Art 40
The State shall guarantee the inviolability of the human person.
Any form of physical or moral violence or infringement of dignity shall be prohibited.
Brutal, inhumane or degrading treatment shall be punishable by law.
Art 60
Any person remanded in custody shall have the right to get in touch with his family immediately.
Any person remanded in custody shall be informed of his right to contact his lawyer. The exercise of this right may be restricted by the judge in exceptional circumstances specified by law.
Medical examination shall be mandatory for minors.
Art 69
The right to protection, security and hygiene at work shall be guaranteed by law.
Art 72
The family, society and the State shall protect the rights of children.
The State shall take responsibility for abandoned or non-affiliated children.
The law shall punish violence against children.
The family and the State shall protect the elderly.
Art 73
The living conditions of citizens below the legal working age and those who cannot work or can never work again shall be guaranteed.
Art 78
No tax, contribution, excise or right of any kind may be imposed with retroactive effect.
Facts of Algeria’s Constitution
Art 2
Islam shall be the religion of the State.
Art 3
Arabic shall be the national and official language.
Arabic shall remain the official language of the State
Art 4 (Part of Article)
Tamazight shall also be a national and an official language.
The modalities of implementing this Article shall be stipulated by an organic law.
Art 90
The President of the Republic shall take the Oath in the following terms:
”In the Name of Allah the most Merciful the most Compassionate. Faithful to the great sacrifices and to the memory of our martyrs as well as to the ideals of the eternal November Revolution, I do solemnly swear by Allah the Almighty that I shall respect and glorify the Islamic religion, defend the Constitution, see to the continuity of the State and provide the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of the reinforcement of the democratic process, respect the free choice of the people as well as the institutions and laws of the Republic, preserve the integrity of the national territory, the unity of the people and the nation, protect the freedoms and the fundamental human and citizen’s rights, work relentlessly towards the development and progress of the people and endeavour with all my strength to achieve the great ideals of justice, freedom and peace in the world. And Allah is my witness”.
Art 195
A High Islamic Council shall be established under the auspices of the President of the Republic in order to:
- encourage and promote Ijtihad;
- provide its opinion on matters submitted to it with regard to the Shari’ah rules;
- submit a periodic report on its activity to the President of the Republic.