Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in Africa. At 2,74,200 square
kilometers, the country has a population of 2,15,10,000 average. 80% are
Muslims, 23% are Christians, 15% are the followers of traditional
religions. Of the ethnographic communities, Moses constitutes 51%, and
of the remaining 49%, there are over ten major ethnographic communities.
The official language is French, as well as three other national
The constitution is absolutely conventional. Nothing
to mention. I didn't find anything negative in the constitution -
that's the big deal. However, I like Article 5. This type of article is
not found in all the constitutions of the world. I see this suddenly.
According to Article 5, "Anything which is not forbidden by the law may
not be hindered and no one can be constrained to do that which [the
law] does not order. One may only be judged and punished by virtue of a
law promulgated and published prior to the punishable act."

Admirable Articles of Burkina Faso's Constitution
Article 1 (Part of it)
All have an equal vocation to enjoy all the rights and all the freedoms guaranteed by this Constitution.
Discrimination of all sorts, notably those founded on race, ethnicity, region, color, sex, language, religion, caste, political opinions, wealth and birth, are prohibited.
Article 2
The protection of life, security, and physical integrity are guaranteed.
Slavery, slavery-like practices, inhuman and cruel, degrading and humiliating treatments, physical or moral torture, services and mistreatments inflicted on children and all forms of the degradation of Man[,] are forbidden and punished by the law.
Article 5
Anything which is not forbidden by the law may not be hindered and no one can be constrained to do that which [the law] does not order.
The penal law does not have retroactive effect. One may only be judged and punished by virtue of a law promulgated and published prior to the punishable act.
Punishment is personal and individual.
Article 23
The family is the basic unit of society. The State has the duty to protect it.
Marriage is founded on the free consent of the man and of the woman. All discrimination based on race, color, religion, ethnicity, caste, social origin, [and] fortune, is forbidden in matters of marriage.
Children are equal in rights and in duties in their familial relations. The parents have the natural right and the duty to raise and to educate their children. These must give them respect and assistance.
Article 136 (Part of it)
Hearings in all the courts and in all the tribunals are public. The closed hearing is only allowed in the cases defined by the law.
Article 166
Treason against the Fatherland and infringement the Constitution constitute the most grave crimes committed against the people.
Article 167
The source of all legitimacy follows from this Constitution.
All power which does not derive its source from this Constitution, notably that resulting from a coup d'état is illegal.
In this case, the right to civil disobedience is recognized to all citizens.