The Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe, bordering
Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovakia. Of the ethnographic groups, 56%
are Czech and 31% did not belong to any group. 47% are non-believers,
12% are Christians, and 30% are not interested in revealing their
religious identity. Official language is Czech, but with lots of
recognized languages. It has an area of 78,871 sq km and a population of
about 1,05,24,000.
The guarantee of fundamental rights was
given in the beginning of the constitution, just like that, it has also
been declared in no way void. Everyone can do things that are not
prohibited by law; And no one can be forced to do things that are not
imposed on him or her or zer by law. Everyone has the right to be
protected from the misuse of his or her or zer personal data. Children
born in wedlock and children born out of wedlock - both have equal
These are positive aspects. The negative aspects are not that mentionable. But the constitution is boring enough.
Admirable Articles of Czech Republic's Constitution
Article 60
If the President-elect refuses to take the oath of office or takes it with reservations, he shall be deemed not to have been elected.
Article 1
All people are free, have equal dignity, and enjoy equality of rights. Their fundamental rights and basic freedoms are inherent, inalienable, non-prescriptible, and not subject to repeal.
Article 2
1. Democratic values constitute the foundation of the state, so that it may not be bound either by an exclusive ideology or by a particular religious faith.
2. State authority may be asserted only in cases and within the bounds provided for by law and only in the manner prescribed by law.
3. Everyone may do that which is not prohibited by law; and nobody may be compelled to do that which is not imposed upon her by law.
Article 3 (Part of it)
1. Everyone is guaranteed the enjoyment of her fundamental rights and basic freedoms without regard to gender, race, color of skin, language, faith and religion, political or other conviction, national or social origin, membership in a national or ethnic minority, property, birth, or other status.
Article 6 (Part of it)
1. Everyone has the right to life. Human life is worthy of protection even before birth.
2. Nobody may be deprived of his life.
Article 9
1. No one may be subjected to forced labor or service.
2. The provision of paragraph 1 shall not apply to:
- labor imposed in accordance with law upon persons serving a prison sentence or upon persons serving other penalties that take the place of the penalty of imprisonment,
- military service or some other service provided for by law in place of compulsory military service,
- service required on the basis of law in the event of natural disasters, accidents, or other danger threatening human life, health, or property of significant value,
- conduct imposed by law for the protection of life, health, or the rights of others.
Article 10 (Part of it)
3. Everyone has the right to be protected from the unauthorized gathering, public revelation, or other misuse of his personal data.
Article 32
1. Parenthood and the family are under the protection of the law. Special protection is guaranteed to children and adolescents.
2. Pregnant women are guaranteed special care, protection in labor relations, and suitable work conditions.
3. Children, whether born in or out of wedlock, enjoy equal rights.
4. It is the parents' right to care for and raise their children; children have the right to upbringing and care from their parents. Parental rights may be limited and minor children may be removed from their parents' custody against the latters' will only by the decision of a court on the basis of the law.
5. Parents who are raising children have the right to assistance from the state.
6. Detailed provisions shall be set by law.