Djibouti is an African country bordering Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Ethnically, Somali is 70% and Odali is 30%, so in terms of language,
both of them are national languages. Religiously, 94% are Muslims and
the rest are Christians. At 23,200 square kilometers, the state has a
population of about 9,21,000.
There is nothing special to
mention about Djibouti's constitution. The death penalty has been
banned, declaring human life sacred. All are equal before the law.
Everyone has the freedom to choose own lawyer; There is a right to
privacy in communication. Cruel or inhumane treatment to anyone is
These are positive aspects. Now let's discuss the negative aspects. State religion is Islam.

Admirable Articles of Djibouti's Constitution
Article 10 (Part of it)
The human person is sacred. The State has the obligation to respect it and to protect it. All human beings are equal before the law.
No one may be condemned to the penalty of death.
Every individual has the right to life, to the liberty, to the security and to the integrity of his person.
No one may be prosecuted, arrested, inculpated or condemned except by virtue of a law promulgated prior to the acts of which he is accused.
All accused persons are presumed innocent until their culpability has been established by the competent jurisdiction.
The right to a defense, and including that of assistance by the attorney of one's own choice, is guaranteed at all the stages of the procedure.
Any person made the object of a measure deprivative of his liberty has the right to be examined by a doctor of his choice.
Article 12
The right to property is guaranteed by this Constitution. It may not be infringed except in the case of public necessity legally established, under reserve of a just and prior indemnity.
The domicile is inviolable. It may only be subjected to intrusions or searches in the forms and conditions specified by the law. The measures infringing the inviolability of the domicile or circumventing it may only be taken to respond to a collective danger or to protect persons in peril of death.
Article 13
The secrecy of correspondence and of all other means of communication is inviolable. Restriction of this inviolability may only be ordered in application of the law.
Article 14
All the citizens of the Republic have the right to move themselves and to establish themselves freely on the entire extent of the Republic. This right may only be limited by the law.
No one may be submitted to preventative measures, except in the cases specified by the law.
Article 16
No one may be submitted to torture, or to inhuman, cruel, degrading or humiliating actions or treatment.
Any individual, any agent of the State, or any public authority rendered culpable of such acts, either on their own initiative, or on instruction, shall be punished in accordance with the law.
Article 17
The defense of the Nation and of the integrity of the Republic is a sacred duty for every Djiboutian citizen.
Facts of Djibouti’s Constitution
Preamble (Part of it)
In the name of God All-Powerful
Article 1 (Part of it)
Islam is the Religion of the State.