Gabon is an African country, bordering Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon,
Republic of Congo. And to the west is the Gulf of Guinea. The population
of this country is approx 23,41,000 with 2,67,667 square kilometers
area. French is the official language due to colonialism, with many
other languages regionally in use, including English. Many ethnic groups
Gabon's constitution is not as rich as many other countries in Africa. There are very few things worth mentioning.
Work is a duty and decent employment is a right for every citizen. No
one will be discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, opinion
in the workplace. The state ensures equal access to education,
professional development and culture for children and adults.
These are positive aspects. Now let's discuss the negative aspects. The
President may be elected by universal suffrage and by direct suffrage
for a seven-year presidential term. There is a chance to be re-elected.
Seven years is a long time for such a small state, even there is nor
barrier for re-election.

Admirable Articles of Gabon's Constitution
Article 1
7°. Each citizen has the duty to work and the right to obtain employment. None may be discriminated against in one’s work because of his or her origins, sex, race or opinions;
8°. The State, according to its means, guarantees to all, notably to children, mothers, the handicapped, aged workers and the elderly the protection of health, social security, a preserved natural environment, rest and leisure;
18°. The State guarantees equal access to instruction, professional development and culture for children and adults;
21°. Each citizen is obligated to defend their homeland, and to protect and respect the Constitution, the laws and the regulations of the Republic;
Article 61
The means of control of the legislative branch over the executive branch are the following: interrogation, written and oral questioning, commissions of investigation and control, the motion to censure exercised by the National Assembly within the conditions provisioned by article 64 in this present Constitution.
A weekly session is reserved for questions posed by Parliament members to members of the Government. Questions regarding current affairs may become the subject of interrogations of the Government, even during extraordinary sessions of Parliament.
The executive branch must furnish Parliament with all demanded information regarding its affairs and activities.
Facts of Gabon's Constitution
Article 1
16°. The care given to children and their education constitute a natural right for parents and a responsibility that they exercise under the surveillance and with the aide of the State and its public collectivities. Parents have the right, under the laws of obligatory education, to choose the moral and religious education of their children. In the eyes of the State, all children have the same rights regarding assistance to their physical, intellectual, and moral development;
Article 9
The President of the Republic is elected for a presidential term of seven (7) years, by universal and direct suffrage. The President is re-electable.
The election is won by the candidate who obtains the largest number of votes.
Article 38
No member of Parliament may be prosecuted, investigated, arrested, detained or judged due to his or her own expressed opinions or votes related to the exercise of parliamentary duties.
No member may be, during the course of Parliamentary sessions, pursued, investigated or arrested on criminal or minor charges without the authorization of the Bureau of the Chamber concerned, except in cases of flagrant misconduct or definitive condemnation.
The detention or prosecution of a member of Parliament is suspended until the end of his or her term, unless parliamentary immunity has been lifted.