Ivory Coast is a country in Africa bordering Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana. The population of this country is approx 2,93,44,000 with 3,22,463 square kilometers area. The official language is French, but many native languages are spoken proudly. Ethnically no one is the majority. Muslims 42%, Christians 45%, 10% do not believe in any religion.
In Ivory Coast all are declared to be entitled to equal status regardless of class distinctions. Slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, physical or mental torture, inhuman, cruel, degrading treatment, physical violence, female genital mutilation etc are prohibited. Any medical or scientific experiment on a person without his or her or zer consent is prohibited, as well as organ trafficking for commercial or non-commercial purposes. But everyone has the right to donate their organs under the conditions prescribed by law.
There is nothing seriously negative in the constitution of Ivory Coast.

Admirable Articles of Ivory Coast's Constitution
Preamble (Part of it)
Taking into account our ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, and determined to build a multi-ethnic and multi-racial Nation on the principles of national sovereignty;
Convinced that union with respect for this diversity ensures, through work and discipline, the economic progress and social well-being of everyone;
Persuaded that political, ethnic, religious tolerance as well as forgiveness and cross-cultural dialogue constitute fundamental elements of pluralism contributing to the strengthening of our unity, to the reinforcement of the process of national reconciliation and to social cohesion;
Article 3
The right to life is inviolable.
No one has the right to take the life of another person.
Article 4
All Ivoirians are born and remain free and equal in rights.
No one may be privileged or discriminated against by reason of their race, their ethnicity, their clan, their tribe, their skin color, their sex, their region, their social origin, their religion or belief, their opinion, their fortune, their difference in culture or language, their social status or their physical or mental state.
Article 5
Slavery, human trafficking, forced labor, physical or moral torture, inhumane, cruel, degrading and humiliating treatment, physical violence, female genital mutilation as well as all other forms of degradation of a human being are prohibited.
Any medical or scientific experimentation on a person without their informed consent as well as organ trafficking for commercial or ulterior motives are also prohibited. However, everyone has the right to donate their organs, under the conditions prescribed by law.
Article 16
Child labor is prohibited and punishable by law.
It is prohibited to employ a child in an activity that puts them in danger or affects their health, their growth, as well as their physical and mental balance.
Article 19
Freedom of thought and freedom of expression, particularly, freedom of conscience, of philosophical and religious conviction or of worship are guaranteed to everyone. Everyone has the right to express and disseminate their ideas freely.
These freedoms are exercised subject to respect for the law, for the rights of others, for national security and for public order.
Any propaganda whose objective or outcome is to elevate one social group above another, or to encourage racial, tribal or religious, hatred is prohibited.
Article 33
The State and public communities protect persons with disabilities against any form of discrimination. They promote their integration by facilitating their access to all public and private services.
The State and public communities ensure the protection of persons with disabilities against any form of degradation. They guarantee their rights in the educational, medical and economic spheres as well as in those of sports and leisure.