Kazakhstan is an Asian country that shares a border with Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan. The population of this country is approx 1,93,98,000 with 27,24,900 square kilometers area. Official languages are Kazakh and Russian. Ethnically 70.7% Kazakh, 15.2% Russian, 3.3% Uzbek, 1.9% Ukrainian, 1.5% Uyghur, 1.1% German,1.1% Tatar, 5.2% Others live in Kazakhstan. Religiously 70% Muslims, 17% Christians, 1% Atheists, 1% followers of other religions live in Kazakhstan. 11% have never revealed a religious identity.
Propaganda or agitation for forcible change of the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the State, undermining of State security and incitement to war, social, racial, national, religious, class and group superiority as well as cruelty shall not be permitted. Members of the military, law enforcement agency officials and judges shall refrain from activities in support of political parties, trade unions and any political parties. Adult children must take care of their physically challenged parents.
These are positive aspects. Now let's discuss the negative aspects.
If a member of the First Chamber of Parliament deviates from his political party in any way, his duties as a lawmaker will cease.

Admirable Articles of Kazakhstan's Constitution
Article 13
1. Everyone shall have the right to be recognized as subject of the law and protect his rights and freedoms with all means not contradicting the law including self-defense.
2. Everyone shall have the right to judicial defense of his rights and freedoms.
3. Everyone shall have the right to qualified legal assistance. In cases stipulated by law, legal assistance shall be provided free of charge.
Article 15
1. Everyone shall have the right to life.
2. No one shall have the right to arbitrarily deprive life of a person. The death penalty shall be established by law as an exceptional punishment for terroristic crimes which have resulted in death casualties, and also for especially grave crimes, committed in wartime, with granting to a sentenced person a right to appeal for pardon.
Article 16
1. Everyone shall have the right to personal freedom.
2. Arrest and detention shall be allowed only in cases stipulated by law and with the sanction of a court with right of appeal of an arrested person. Without the sanction of a court, a person may be detained for a period no more than seventy-two hours.
3. Every person detained, arrested and accused of committing crime shall have the right to the assistance of defense lawyer (defender) from the moment of detention, arrest or accusation.
Article 17
1. A person’s dignity shall be inviolable.
2. No one must be subject to torture, violence or other treatment and punishment that is cruel or humiliating to human dignity.
Article 18
1. Everyone shall have the right to inviolability of private life, personal or family secrets, protection of honor and dignity.
2. Everyone shall have the right to confidentiality of personal deposits and savings, correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages. Limitation of this right shall be permitted only in the cases and according to the procedure directly established by law.
3. State bodies, public associations, officials, and the mass media must provide every citizen with the possibility to obtain access to documents, decisions and other sources of information concerning his rights and interests.
Article 20
1. The freedom of speech and creative activities shall be guaranteed. Censorship shall be prohibited.
2. Everyone shall have the right to freely receive and disseminate information by any means not prohibited by law. The list of items constituting state secrets of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be determined by law.
3. Propaganda of or agitation for the forcible change of the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the Republic, undermining of state security, and advocating war, social, racial, national, religious, class and clannish superiority as well as the cult of cruelty and violence shall not be allowed.
Article 23
1. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall have the right to freedom of forming associations. The activities of public associations shall be regulated by law.
2. The military, employees of national security, law-enforcement bodies and judges must abstain from membership in political parties, trade unions, and actions in support of any political party.
Article 24
1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of labor, and the free choice of occupation and profession. Involuntary labor shall be permitted only on sentence of court or in the conditions of state of emergency or martial law.
2. Everyone shall have the right to safe and hygienic working conditions, to just remuneration for labor without discrimination, as well as to social protection against unemployment.
3. The right to individual and collective labor disputes with the use of methods for resolving them, stipulated by law including the right to strike, shall be recognized.
4. Everyone shall have the right to rest. Working labor agreements stipulating the length of working time, days-off and holidays, and paid annual leave shall be guaranteed by law.
Article 25
1. Housing shall be inviolable. Deprivation of housing shall not be permitted unless otherwise stipulated by court decision. Penetration into housing, its inspection and search shall be permitted only in cases and according to the procedure stipulated by law.
2. Conditions shall be created in the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide citizens with housing. Citizens in need of housing shall be categorized in manner to be prescribed by law and provided with housing at an affordable price from the state housing funds in accordance with the norms stipulated by law.
Article 27
1. Marriage and family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood shall be under the protection of the state.
2. Care of children and their upbringing shall be natural right and responsibility of parents.
3. Able-bodied children of age must take care of their disabled parents.
Article 32
Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall have the right to peacefully and without arms assemble, hold meetings, rallies and demonstrations, street processions and pickets. The use of this right may be restricted by law in the interests of state security, public order, protection of health, rights and freedoms of other persons.
Article 36
1. Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be sacred duty and responsibility of its every citizen.
2. Citizens of the Republic shall perform military service according to the procedure and in the forms established by law.
Article 42 (Part of it)
5. One and the same person may not be elected the President of the Republic more than two times in row. The present restriction shall not extend on the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 52 (Part of it)
2. The deputies of Parliament must take part in its work. The deputies shall only vote in person in Parliament. Absence of deputy at sittings of the Chambers and their bodies without good reason for more than three times as well as transferring the right to vote shall cause the imposition of penalties established by law.
3. A deputy of Parliament shall have no right to be deputy of another representative body, hold other paid offices, except teaching, research and creative activities, engage in entrepreneurial activity, enter managing body or supervisory board of commercial organization. Violation of this rule shall result in the termination of deputy’s powers.
4. A deputy of Parliament during the term of his office may not be arrested, subject to detention, measures of administrative punishment imposed by court of law, arraigned on criminal charge without the consent of respective Chamber except for the cases of being apprehended on the scene of crime or committing grave crimes.
Facts of Kazakhstan's Constitution
Article 7
1. The state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be the Kazak language.
2. In state institutions and local self-administrative bodies the Russian language shall be officially used on equal grounds along with the Kazak language.
3. The state shall promote conditions for the study and development of the languages of the people of Kazakhstan.
Article 52 (Part of it)
5. The powers of the deputies of Parliament shall be terminated in cases of resignation, his death, being recognized of the deputy on the judgment which has entered validity incapacitated, died or is unknown absent and others provided by the Constitution and the constitutional law cases. A deputy of the Parliament shall be deprived of his mandate in cases of:
A deputy of Majilis of the Parliament shall be deprived of his mandate in cases:
1. exit or an exception of the deputy from the political party from which according to the constitutional law the deputy is selected;
2. termination of activity of political party from which according to the constitutional law the deputy is selected. Powers of the appointed deputies of the Senate of the Parliament shall be ahead of schedule stopped under the decision of the President of the Republic. Powers of deputies of the Parliament and the Majilis of the Parliament stop in dissolution cases accordingly the Parliament and the Majilis of the Parliament.