Lebanon is an Asian country located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, sharing a border with Syria and Israel. The population of this country is approx 52,96,000 with 10,452 square kilometers area. Official languages are Arabic and French. Ethnically 95% are Arab and 4% are Armenian. Lebanese are of various religions, including 28% Sunni Muslim, 28% Shia Muslim, 22% Maronite Christian, 8% Greek Orthodox Christian, 5% Melkite Greek Catholic Christian, 4% Armenian Orthodox Christian, 5% Druze. Being so religiously diverse and being one of the most turbulent places in the world, they have adopted a strange political system - and that is the division of political seats on the basis of religion. In the context of decades of religious conflict, this system has improved the situation somewhat. However, that is not applicable elsewhere in the world or even in Lebanon for a long time.
Now let's discuss the positive aspects of the Lebanese constitution. Almost nothing is there. Judges and senior civil servants are not eligible to be elected to be the President during the term of office, or within two years of resignation or retirement.
Now let's discuss the general negative aspects. The vote of no confidence in Parliament will be public. In many cases, voters may wish to remain anonymous for their own safety. According to Article 41, is it reasonable to have a gap in the highest institution of the state for a certain period?

Admirable Articles of Lebanon's Constitution
Article 12
Every Lebanese has the right to public employment, without any distinction, except on qualification and merit according to the conditions laid down by the law. A special code shall be established to safeguard the rights of employees in the areas to which they belong.
Article 35
The Chamber meets publicly. However, it may convene in a closed meeting, if requested by the Government or five of its members. It may decide to rediscuss the same topic in a public meeting.
Article 49 (Part of it)
The President of the Republic is the Chief of State, and the symbol of the unity of the Homeland.
The judges and the civil servants of the first category or the equivalent category in all public administrations, public bodies and other public law corporations are not eligible to be elected during the exercise of their official functions and during the two years following their resignation and the actual termination of their functions or the date of their retirement.
Facts of Lebanon's Constitution
Article 36
Votes are cast verbally, or by rising and sitting, except in the case of election, the opinions are expressed by secret ballot. As for the laws in general, and when the issue of confidence is polled, the opinions are always expressed by roll-call, and audible.
Article 41
If a seat becomes vacant in the Chamber, a successor must be elected within two months. The new member's mandate does not exceed the replaced old member's mandate term. However, if the seat becomes vacant in less than six months before the expiration of his mandate, no successor may be elected.