Liechtenstein is a landlocked country in Europe, bordered by Austria and Switzerland. Even interesting, the mentioned Austria and Switzerland are also landlocked countries. The population of this country is approx 39,000 with 160 square kilometers area. Liechtenstein is one of the smallest countries in the world, which is a paradise for thieves and corrupt people. Their tax rates are extremely low, and many of the world's tax evasive businesses register companies in Liechtenstein to avoid taxes. The official language is German. Ethnically only 67% are native, the rest are Swiss, Austrian, German, Italian, Portuguese, Turk, Albanian, Spaniard. Religiously 82% are Christian, 7% do not believe in any religion, 6% are Muslim.
Liechtenstein's constitution provides for the support and encouragement of fire insurance, which is rare in the history of the world. If someone is found innocent after arrest, he or she or zee is entitled to compensation. These are positive aspects. Now let's discuss the negative aspects. Liechtenstein is a hybrid state consisting of a monarchy and a theocracy. Liechtenstein is a relic of the Middle Ages in today's democratic Europe.

Admirable Articles of Liechtenstein's Constitution
Art 20 (Part of it)
● It shall pay special attention to the development of the transportation system in accordance with modern requirements.
● It shall support landslide control measures and afforestation and drainage operations and shall monitor and encourage every endeavour to develop new sources of income.
Art 21
The State shall possess sovereign rights over waters in conformity with the laws existing or to be enacted hereafter in this matter. The utilisation and distribution of such waters and flood control measures shall be regulated by law and promoted, with due regard to the development of technology. Rights relating to electricity shall be regulated by law.
Art 22
The State shall exercise sovereign rights over hunting, fishing and mining; when legislating on these matters, it shall protect the interests of agriculture and of communal revenues.
Art 26
The State shall support and promote health, old age, disability and fire insurance schemes.
Art 32 (Part of it)
● Persons arrested unlawfully or when demonstrably innocent and those proved innocent after conviction shall be entitled to full compensation from the State as determined by the courts. Whether and to what extent the State has a right of recourse against third parties in such cases shall be regulated by law.
Art 40
Every person shall be entitled to freely express his opinion and to communicate his ideas by word of mouth or in writing, print or pictures within the limits of the law and morality; no censorship may be exercised except in respect of public performances and exhibitions.
Facts of Liechtenstein's Constitution
We, John II, by the Grace of God, Prince Regnant of Liechtenstein, Duke of Troppau, Count of Rietberg, etc. etc. etc. make known that the Constitution of 26 September 1862 has been modified by Us with the assent of Our Parliament as follows:
Art 3
The succession to the throne, hereditary in the Princely House of Liechtenstein, the coming-of-age of the Prince Regnant and of the Heir Apparent, as well as any guardianship which may be required, are to be determined by the Princely House in the form of a dynasty law.
Art 9
Every law shall require the sanction of the Prince Regnant in order to acquire validity.
Art 13ter
Not less than 1,500 citizens have the right to table a reasoned motion of no confidence in the Prince. Parliament must issue a recommendation on this at its next session and order the holding of a referendum in accordance with Art. 66 Para. 6. If the motion is accepted in the referendum, it must be communicated to the Prince for consideration under the dynasty law. The prince must inform Parliament within six months of the decision reached in compliance with the said Law.
Art 14
The supreme function of the State is to promote the general welfare of the People. For this purpose, the State shall provide for the institution and maintenance of law, and for the protection of the religious, moral and economic interests of the People.
Art 15
The State shall devote particular attention to education and schooling. This must be so ordered and administered that, from the co-operation of the family, the school and the Church, the younger generation may be imbued with religious and moral principles and patriotic sentiments and may be fitted for their future occupations.
Art 16
● The whole field of education and schooling shall be under the supervision of the State, without prejudice to the inviolability of the doctrine of the Church.
● Education shall be compulsory for all.
● The State shall ensure that adequate compulsory instruction in the elementary subjects is given free of charge in public schools.
● Religious instruction shall be given by the Church authorities.
● All persons with children in their care shall ensure that they receive education of the standard prescribed for public elementary schools.
● Annulled
● Annulled
● Private education shall be permissible provided that it conforms with the legal regulations governing the period of schooling, the educational aims and the arrangements prevailing in the public schools.
Art 37
● Freedom of belief and conscience are guaranteed for all persons.
● The Roman Catholic Church is the State Church and as such enjoys the full protection of the State; other confessions shall be entitled to practise their creeds and to hold religious services to the extent consistent with morality and public order.
Art 65
● Without the participation of Parliament, no law may be issued, amended, or declared to be in force. For a law to become valid, it must in every case receive the assent of Parliament and be sanctioned by the Prince Regnant, countersigned by the responsible Head of the Government or his deputy and promulgated in the National Legal Gazette (Landesgesetzblatt). If the Prince does not give his assent within six months, it shall be deemed to have been refused.
● In addition, a popular vote (referendum) shall be held under the conditions set forth in the following Article.
Art 108
Members of the Government, State officials, and all mayors, their deputies and the treasurers of the communes shall take the following oath on appointment:
“I swear that I will be loyal to the Prince Regnant, that I will obey the laws and that I will strictly observe the Constitution. So help me God.”