Luxembourg is a landlocked country in Europe, bordering Belgium, Germany and France. This small country is located in the middle of these three countries. The population of this country is approx 6,60,000 with 2,586.4 square kilometers area. National language is Luxembourgish; German and French are also used administratively. Ethnically only 52.8% are Luxembourgers. 14.5% Portuguese, 7.6% French, 3.7% Italians are also notable. 73% are Christian, eight-tenths of them are Catholic, and 24% don't believe in any religion.
Only one article in the entire Constitution is worth discussing positively. According to Article 11 everyone has the right to work and freedom to strike. And the downside? Luxembourg is a kind of monarchy disguised as a democracy. At least that's what the constitution says. The entire state is Duke-centric.

Admirable Articles of Luxembourg's Constitution
Article 11 (Part of it)
● The law guarantees the right to work and the State sees to assurance to each citizen the exercise of this right. The law guarantees the syndical freedom and organizes the right to strike.
Facts of Luxembourg's Constitution
Article 4
The person of the grand Duke is inviolable.
Article 5
● The Grand Duke of Luxembourg attains his majority on the completion of eighteen years of age. When he accedes to the throne, he takes, as soon as possible, in the presence of the Chamber of Deputies or of a deputation appointed by it, the following oath:
● "I swear to observe the Constitution and the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, to maintain the national independence and integrity of the territory, as well as public and individual freedoms."
Article 6
If on the death of the Grand Duke, His successor is a minor, the regency is exercised conforming to the Family Pact.
Article 7
If the Grand Duke finds it impossible to reign, the regency is provided for as in the case of minority.
In the case of vacancy of the throne, the Chamber provides for the regency provisionally. A new Chamber, convoked with the double numbers within thirty days, provides for the vacancy definitely.
Article 32 (Part of it)
● The sovereign power resides in the Nation.
The Grand Duke exercises it conforming to this Constitution and to the laws of the country.
● However, in the case of international crisis, the Grand Duke can, if there is urgency, act in any matter the regulations, likewise in derogation of existing legal provisions. The duration of the validity of these regulations is limited to three months.
Article 33
The Grand Duke is the Head of State, symbol of its unity and guarantor of the national independence. He exercises the executive power conforming to the Constitution and to the laws of the country.
Article 35
The Grand Duke appoints to civil and military posts in conformity to the law, and save the exceptions made by it.
A salaried function can only be created by the State by virtue of a legislative provision.
Article 36
The Grand Duke makes the regulations and decisions necessary for the execution of the laws.
Article 76 (Part of it)
The Grand Duke regulates the organization of his Government, which is comprised of three members at least.
Article 77
The Grand Duke appoints and dismisses the members of the Government.