Mongolia is a landlocked country located between Russia and China, which is about 1% of the total area of all the countries of the world. There is another such country in the world, Iran - the best example. The population of Mongolia is approx 32,27,000 with 15,64,116 square kilometers area. The official language is Mongolian. Ethnically 95% are Mongolian, 4% are Kazakhs. 51% are Buddhists, 40% do not believe in any religion, and 3% are Muslims. Almost all Kazakhs are Muslim.
The Constitution of Mongolia is a democratic constitution. There is nothing negative about the constitution, but there is very little of anything interesting. Article 16 describes many rights very succinctly. However, being too short may lead to errors in interpretation.
Religion and State are completely separate. There is a constitutional guarantee of a healthy and safe environment. The right to conduct cultural, artistic and scientific activities and the copyright patent of creative works is protected by law.

Admirable Articles of Mongolia's Constitution
Article 2
1. The state structure of Mongolia shall be unitary.
2. The territory of Mongolia shall only be divided into administrative units.
Article 6 (Part of it)
● The land, its subsoil, forests, water, fauna, flora, and other natural assets in Mongolia shall be subject to the people's authority and under the protection of the State.
Article 9
1. The State shall respect the religion, whereas the religion shall honor the State in Mongolia.
2. The organs of State shall not engage in religious activities, and the religious organizations or monasteries shall not conduct political activities.
3. The relationship between the State and religious organizations or monasteries shall be regulated by law.
Article 16 (Part of it)
The citizens of Mongolia shall be guaranteed to exercise the following rights and freedoms:
● The right to a healthy and safe environment, and to be protected against environmental pollution and ecological imbalance.
● The right to conduct cultural, artistic and scientific activities, and to produce creative works and to benefits thereof. The right to author’s copyrights, new works and innovation patents shall be protected by law.
Article 47
1. The judicial power in Mongolia shall be exercised exclusively by the courts.
2. The illegal establishment of the courts under any circumstances, and implementation of the judicial power by any other organization, shall be prohibited.
3. The courts shall be instituted solely under the Constitution and by other laws.