Netherlands is a European country located on the shores of the North Sea, sharing a border with Germany and Belgium. The population of this country is approx 1,78,94,000 with 41,865 square kilometers area. The official language is Dutch. Besides there are some other recognized or spoken languages. Ethnographically 74% Dutch, a portion of the remaining 26% are natives of its 'colonies'. About 55% of citizens are atheists. Christians are about 33%, of which slightly more than half are Catholics.
All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally under equal circumstances. Securing the livelihood of citizens and ensuring equitable distribution of wealth is one of the concerns of the authorities. Citizens who are unable to provide for their own social security are entitled to assistance from their authorities.
These are positive aspects. Now let's discuss the negative aspects.
Monarchy prevails in the Netherlands. Although it is very formal. Moreover, in the 21st century - the King; the Royal family; after the death of the king, his son will be the King - the idea is absurd.
The constitution should mention only the fundamentals. But the constitution mentions some other things including 'water board', which could be done by ordinary law.

Admirable Articles of Netherlands's Constitution
Article 1
All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted.
Article 6
1. Everyone shall have the right to profess freely his religion or belief, either individually or in community with others, without prejudice to his responsibility under the law.
2. Rules concerning the exercise of this right other than in buildings and enclosed places may be laid down by Act of Parliament for the protection of health, in the interest of traffic and to combat or prevent disorders.
Article 16
No offence shall be punishable unless it was an offence under the law at the time it was committed.
Article 20
● It shall be the concern of the authorities to secure the means of subsistence of the population and to achieve the distribution of wealth.
● Rules concerning entitlement to social security shall be laid down by Act of Parliament.
● Dutch nationals resident in the Netherlands who are unable to provide for themselves shall have a right, to be regulated by Act of Parliament, to aid from the authorities.
Article 21
It shall be the concern of the authorities to keep the country habitable and to protect and improve the environment.
Article 132 (Part of it)
● Both the organization of provinces and municipalities and the composition and powers of their administrative organs shall be regulated by Act of Parliament.
● Supervision of the administrative organs shall be regulated by Act of Parliament.
● Decisions by the administrative organs shall be subject to prior supervision only in cases specified by or pursuant to Act of Parliament.
● Decisions by the administrative organs may be quashed only by Royal Decree and on the grounds that they conflict with the law or the public interest.
Facts of Netherlands's Constitution
Article 24
The title to the Throne shall be hereditary and shall vest in the legitimate descendants of King William I, Prince of Orange-Nassau.
Article 25
On the death of the King, the title to the Throne shall pass by hereditary succession to the King's legitimate descendants in order of seniority, the same rule governing succession by the issue of descendants who predecease the King. If the King has no descendants, the title to the Throne shall pass in the same way to the legitimate descendants of the King's parent and then of his grandparent who are in the line of succession but are not further removed from the deceased King than the third degree of consanguinity.
Article 26
For the purposes of hereditary succession, the child of a woman pregnant at the moment of the death of the King shall be deemed already born. If it is stillborn it shall be deemed to have never existed.
Article 27
Hereditary succession to the Throne in the event of abdication shall take place according to the rules set out in the above articles. Children born after an abdication and their descendants shall be excluded from the hereditary succession.
Article 28
● The King shall be deemed to have abdicated if he contracts a marriage without having obtained consent by Act of Parliament.
● Anyone in line of succession to the Throne who contracts such a marriage shall be excluded from the hereditary succession, together with any children born of the marriage and their issue.
● The two Houses of the States General (Parliament) shall meet to consider and decide upon a Bill for granting such consent in joint session.
Article 29
● One or more persons may be excluded from the hereditary succession by Act of Parliament if exceptional circumstances necessitate.
● The Bill for this purpose shall be presented by or on behalf of the King. The two Houses of the States General shall consider and decide upon the matter in joint session. Such a Bill shall be passed only if at least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favor.
Article 30
● A successor to the Throne may be appointed by Act of Parliament if it appears that there will otherwise be no successor. The Bill shall be presented by or on behalf of the King, upon which the Houses shall be dissolved. The newly convened Houses shall discuss and decide upon the matter in joint session. Such a Bill shall be passed only if at least two- thirds of the votes cast are in favor.
● The Houses shall be dissolved if there is no successor on the death or abdication of the King. The newly convened Houses shall meet in joint session within four months of the decease or abdication in order to decide on the appointment of a King. They may appoint a successor only if at least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favor.
Article 31
● An appointed King may be succeeded only by his legitimate descendants by virtue of hereditary succession.
● The provisions on hereditary succession and the first paragraph of this article shall apply mutatis mutandis to an appointed successor who has not yet become King.
Article 34
Parental responsibility for and guardianship of a King who is a minor, and the supervision thereof, shall be regulated by Act of Parliament. The two Houses of the States General shall meet in joint session to consider and decide upon the matter.
Article 36
The King may temporarily relinquish the exercise of the royal prerogative and resume the exercise thereof pursuant to Act of Parliament. The relevant Bill shall be presented by or on behalf of the King. The two Houses of the States General shall consider and decide upon the matter in joint session.
Article 38
The royal prerogative shall be exercised by the Council of State until such time as alternative provision is made for the exercise of such power.
Article 39
Membership of the Royal House shall be regulated by Act of Parliament.
Article 40
● The King shall receive annual payments from the State according to rules to be laid down by Act of Parliament. The Act shall also specify which other members of the Royal House shall receive payments from the State and shall regulate the payments themselves.
● The payments received by them from the State, together with such assets as are of assistance to them in the exercise of their duties, shall be exempt from personal taxation. In addition anything received by the King or his heir presumptive from a member of the Royal House by inheritance or as a gift shall be exempt from inheritance tax, transfer tax or gifts tax. Additional exemption from taxation may be granted by Act of Parliament.
● Bills containing legislation as referred to in the previous paragraphs may be passed by the States General only if at least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favor.
Article 42
● The Government shall comprise the King and the Ministers.
● The Ministers, and not the King, shall be responsible for acts of government.
Article 43
The Prime Minister and the other Ministers shall be appointed and dismissed by Royal Decree.
Article 87
● A Bill shall become an Act of Parliament once it has been passed by the States General and ratified by the King.
● The King and the States General shall inform each other of their decision on any Bill.