North Macedonia is a landlocked country in Europe, sharing a border with Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Albania. The population of this country is approx 18,36,000 with 25,713 square kilometers area. The official languages are Macedonian and Albanian. Regionally recognized languages are Turkish, Romani, Serbian, Bosnian, Aromanian. Ethnically 58.4% Macedonians, 24.3% Albanians, 3.9% Turks, 2.5% Romani, 1.3% Serbs, 0.9% Bosniaks, 0.5% Aromanians live in North Macedonia. 60% are Christians, three-quarters of them are Eastern Orthodox. Besides, there are 32% Muslims.
The sovereignty of the Republic of Macedonia is non-transferable. This is a new sort of announcement. However, it is acceptable considering the history of this region. Political parties or other organizations whose activities threaten the constitutional order of the state, or encourage military aggression, or ethnic or religious hatred - are prohibited. Any form of private military or paramilitary forces other than the state military is prohibited. Restrictions on freedoms and rights in emergency situations shall not be imposed on the basis of biological gender, ethnicity, skin color, language, religion, national or social origin, property or social position. Monopoly is prohibited. Regulation of the market economy is justified for the safety of the environment and public health.
These are positive aspects. Now let's discuss the negative aspects. Nothing remarkable. However, the direct reference to the 'Macedonian Orthodox Church' in Article 19 is strange. When a religion is directly mentioned, it is understood that the influence of that religion is extensive.

Admirable Articles of North Macedonia's Constitution
Article 1
The Republic of Macedonia is a sovereign, independent, democratic and social state.
The sovereignty of the Republic of Macedonia is indivisible, inalienable and nontransferable.
Article 9
Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia are equal in their freedoms and rights, regardless of sex, race, colour of skin, national and social origin, political and religious beliefs, property and social status.
All citizens are equal before the Constitution and law.
Article 16
The freedom of personal conviction, conscience, thought and public expression of thought is guaranteed.
The freedom of speech, public address, public information and the establishment of institutions for public information is guaranteed.
Free access to information and the freedom of reception and transmission of information are guaranteed.
The right of reply via the mass media is guaranteed.
The right to a correction in the mass media is guaranteed.
The right to protect a source of information in the mass media is guaranteed.
Censorship is prohibited.
Article 17
The freedom and confidentiality of correspondence and other forms of communication is guaranteed.
Only a court decision may authorize non-application of the principle of the inviolability of the confidentiality of correspondence and other forms of communication, in cases where it is indispensable to a criminal investigation or required in the interests of the defence of the Republic.
Article 20
Citizens are guaranteed freedom of association to exercise and protect their political, economic, social, cultural and other rights and convictions.
Citizens may freely establish associations of citizens and political parties, join them or resign from them.
The programmes and activities of political parties and other associations of citizens may not be directed at the violent destruction of the constitutional order of the Republic, or at encouragement or incitement to military aggression or ethnic, racial or religious hatred or intolerance.
Military or paramilitary associations which do not belong to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Macedonia are prohibited.
Article 22
Every citizen on reaching 18 years of age acquires the right to vote. The right to vote is equal, universal and direct, and is exercised at free elections by secret ballot. Persons deprived of the right to practice their profession by a court verdict do not have the right to vote.
Article 33
Everyone is obliged to pay tax and other public contributions, as well as to share in the discharge of public expenditure in a manner determined by law.
Article 41
It is a human right freely to decide on the procreation of children.
The Republic conducts a humane population policy in order to provide balanced economic and social development.
Article 54
The freedoms and rights of the individual and citizen can be restricted only in cases determined by the Constitution.
The freedoms and rights of the individual and citizen can be restricted during states of war or emergency, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. The restriction of freedoms and rights cannot discriminate on grounds of sex, race, colour of skin, language, religion, national or social origin, property or social status.
The restriction of freedoms and rights cannot be applied to the right to life, the interdiction of torture, inhuman and humiliating conduct and punishment, the legal determination of punishable offences and sentences, as well as to the freedom of personal conviction, conscience, thought and religious confession.
Article 55
The freedom of the market and entrepreneurship is guaranteed.
The Republic ensures an equal legal position to all parties in the market. The Republic takes measures against monopolistic positions and monopolistic conduct on the market.
The freedom of the market and entrepreneurship can be restricted by law only for reasons of the defence of the Republic, protection of the natural and living environment or public health.
Article 66
The Assembly is in permanent session.
The Assembly works at meetings.
The meetings of the Assembly are called by the President of the Assembly.
The Assembly adopts the Rules of Procedure by a majority vote of the total number of Representatives.
Article 102
Court hearings and the passing of verdicts are public. The public can be excluded in cases determined by law.
Facts of North Macedonia's Constitution
Article 19
The freedom of religious confession is guaranteed. The right to express one's faith freely and publicly, individually or with others is guaranteed. The Macedonian Orthodox Church and other religious communities and groups are separate from the state and equal before the law. The Macedonian Orthodox Church and other religious communities and groups are free to establish schools and other social and charitable institutions, by way of a procedure regulated by law.