Oman is an Asian country located on the shores of the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman, sharing a border with Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The population of this country is approx 45,20,000 with 3,09,500 square kilometers area. Official language is Arabic. Religiously about 45.2% Ibadi Muslim, 34.2% Sunni Muslim, 6.9% Shia Muslim, 5.5% Christian, 3.6% Hindu live in Oman.
There are only two positive aspects to Oman's constitution. All citizens are equal in the eyes of law and there is no discrimination on the basis of biological gender, skin color, language, religion, community, domicile or social status. Any medical or scientific experiment on a person without his or her or zer consent is prohibited. Many human rights are mentioned, but each of them is bound by ambiguous terms, and these terms can have many different meanings. Now let's discuss the negative side more openly. One of the worst constitution in the world is the Constitution of Oman.
The state religion is Islam and Islamic Sharia is the basis of law. Hereditary monarchy exists. The heir must not only be a member of the royal family, but must be male and Muslim.
The king is known to have been given the title of Sultan of Oman. The Sultan has unprecedented power. Among which are notable:
● appointing deputies to the Prime Minister, Ministers and their equivalents and relieving them from their offices;
● appointment and removal of senior judges;
● Declaration of emergency, declaration of war and withdrawal of cessation;
● promulgate and approve laws;
● Parliament is bicameral, and nominates all members of one house of Parliament;
● Dissolving both Houses of Parliament at will;
If the two houses of the Parliament do not agree, they will meet together. Decisions will be made on the basis of the majority there. The question is, everyone in a room is appointed by the Sultan, why would they be passionate against the Sultan?

Admirable Articles of Oman's Constitution
Article 17
All Citizens are equal before the Law and share the same public rights and duties. There shall be no discrimination amongst them on the ground of gender, origin, colour, language, religion, sect, domicile, or social status.
Article 26
It is not permissible to conduct any medical or scientific experiment on any human being without his free consent.
Facts of Oman's Constitution
Article 1
The Sultanate of Oman is an Arab, Islamic, Independent State with full sovereignty and Muscat is its Capital.
Article 2
The religion of the State is Islam and Islamic Sharia is the basis for legislation.
Article 5
The system of governance is Sultani, hereditary in the male descendants of Sayyid Turki bin Said bin Sultan, provided that whomever is to be chosen from amongst them as successor shall be a Muslim, mature, rational and the legitimate son of Omani Muslim parents.
Article 6
The Royal Family Council shall, within three days of the throne falling vacant, determine the successor to the throne.
If the Royal Family Council does not agree on a choice of a Sultan for the Country, the Defence Council together with the Chairman of Majlis Al Dawla, the Chairman of Majlis Al Shura, and the Chairman of the Supreme Court along with two of his most senior deputies, shall instate the person designated by His Majesty the Sultan in his letter to the Royal Family Council.
Article 28
The freedom to practice religious rites according to recognised customs is protected, provided it does not violate the public order or contradict morals.
Article 42
His Majesty the Sultan discharges the following functions:
● Preserving the independence of the Country and its territorial integrity, protecting its internal and external security, safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the Citizens, ensuring the rule of law, and directing the general policy of the State.
● Taking prompt measures to counter any danger threatening the safety of the Sultanate, its territorial integrity, or the security and the interests of its people, or hindering the institutions of the State from performing their functions.
● Representing the State internally and towards other states in all international relations.
● Presiding over the Council of Ministers or appointing a person to preside.
● Presiding over the Specialized Councils or appointing a person to preside.Establishing and regulating the units of the administrative apparatus of the State and the abolishment thereof.
● Appointing Deputies to the Prime Minister, Ministers, and their equivalents and relieving them of their office. Appointing Undersecretaries of ministries, Secretaries-General, and their equivalents and relieving them of their office.
● Appointing senior judges and relieving them of their office.
● Declaring state of emergency, general mobilisations, war, and concluding peace. The Law specifies the rules thereof.
● Promulgating and ratifying Laws.
● Signing international conventions and treaties according to the provisions of the Law or authorising their signature and promulgating Decrees ratifying the same.
● Appointing political representatives to other states and international organisations and relieving them of their office according to the limits and conditions prescribed by the Law, as well as accepting the credentials of representatives of other states and international organisations.
● Pardoning or commuting any penalty.
● Conferring orders of honour and military ranks.
Article 58
Majlis Oman shall consist of:
● Majlis Al Dawla.
● Majlis Al Shura
Article 58bis
Majlis Al Dawla shall consist of a chairman and members whose number, inclusive of the Chairman, shall not exceed the total number of members of Majlis Al Shura, and whom shall be appointed by virtue of a Royal Decree.
Article 58bis 19
His Majesty the Sultan, in circumstances His Majesty determines, may dissolve Majlis Al Shura and call for a new election within four months from the date of dissolution.
Article 58bis 20
The members of Majlis Al Dawla and Majlis Al Shura shall swear in a public meeting, each before his respective Majlis, and prior to assuming his duties in the Majlis, the following oath:
"I swear by Allah the Almighty to be faithful to my Sultan and my Country, to honour the Basic Statute of the State and the applicable Laws, to preserve the safety of the State, the fundamental constituents of the Omani Society and its inherent values, and to perform my duties in the Majlis and its Committees faithfully and honestly."
The Chairman of Majlis Al Dawla shall swear, prior to assuming his duties in the Majlis, the oath specified in the previous paragraph before His Majesty the Sultan.
Article 58bis 37
The draft laws shall be referred by the Council of
Ministers to Majlis Al Shura, which shall decide on the draft by
approval or amendment within a maximum period of three months from the
date of referral. The same shall then be referred to Majlis Al Dawla
which shall decide on it by approval or amendment within a maximum
period of forty five days from the date of referral. If the two Majlis
disagree upon the draft law, they shall hold a joint meeting under the
chairmanship of the Chairman of Majlis Al Dawla and by his invitation,
to discuss the differences between the two Majlis, and then vote on the
draft law in the same meeting. The decisions shall be adopted by
absolute majority of the members present, and in all cases the Chairman
of Majlis Al Dawla shall submit the draft to His Majesty the Sultan
along with the opinion of the two Majlis.