Armenia is a country between Turkey and Georgia. The population of this country is about three million within 30,000 square kilometers area.
A significant aspect of the Constitution is the explicit prohibition against human cloning. No scientific, medical or other research can be conducted on a citizen without his or her explicit consent. Parents are obliged to take proper care of own child, at the same time a capable child is obliged to take care of own parents. Every child is able to express own opinion, which everyone is obliged to take into account considering his or her age and maturity.

There is a constitutional obligation to close monopolies in business.

These are positive aspects. Now let's discuss the negative aspects.

The state language is Armenian. Read carefully, it's not official language. The Armenian Church is a national place of worship for religion. Religious institutions are autonomous.


Constitution of Armenia

Admirable Articles of Armenia’s Constitution

Article 25. The Right to Physical and Mental Integrity

  1. Everyone shall have the right to physical and mental integrity.
  2. The  right to physical and mental integrity may be restricted only by law,  with the aim of protecting state security, preventing or solving crimes,  protecting the public order, health and morals, or the fundamental  rights and freedoms of others.
  3. In the fields of medicine and  biology, in particular, eugenic experiments making human organs and  tissues a source of financial gain, and the reproductive cloning of the  human being shall be prohibited.
  4. No one shall be subjected to  scientific, medical or other experiments without his freely and clearly  expressed consent. A person shall in prior be informed about the  potential consequences of such experiments.


Article 26. The Prohibition of Torture, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

  1. No one shall be subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
  2. Corporal punishments shall be prohibited.
  3. Persons deprived of liberty shall have the right to humane treatment.

Article 29. The Prohibition of Discrimination

Any discrimination based on sex, race, skin color, ethnic or social  origin, genetic features, language, religion, worldview, political or  any other views, belonging to a national minority, property status,  birth, disability, age, or other personal or social circumstances shall  be prohibited.


Article 32. Inviolability of the Home

  1. Everyone shall have the right to inviolability of the home.
  1. The  inviolability of the home may be restricted only by law with the aim of  protecting state security, the economic well-being of the country,  preventing or solving crimes, protecting the public order, health and  morals, or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.
  2. A  home may be searched only by court decision in the cases and the manner  stipulated by law. The law may prescribe other cases of restricting the  right to inviolability of the home by court decision.

Article 35. Freedom to Marry

  1. A man and a woman of marriageable age shall have the  right to marry each other and form a family by free expression of their  will. The age of marriage and the procedure of marrying and divorcing  shall be stipulated by law.
  2. In marrying, during marriage, and in divorce, a man and a woman shall have equal rights.
  3. The freedom to marry may be restricted only by law with the aim of protecting health and morals.

Article 36. Rights and Obligations of Parents

  1. Parents shall have the right and obligation to take  care of the rearing, education, health, and comprehensive and harmonious  development of their children.
  2. Deprivation or limitation of  parental rights may be performed only by law, by court decision with the  aim of safeguarding the vital interests of the child.
  3. Adult  able-bodied persons are obliged to take care of their parents who are  not able-bodied and are in need. Details shall be stipulated by law.

Article 37. The Rights of a Child

  1. A child shall have the right to express his opinion  freely, which shall be taken into consideration in matters concerning  the child in accordance with his age and maturity.
  2. In matters concerning the child, the interests of the child shall merit primary attention.
  3. Every  child shall have the right to maintain a regular personal relationship  and direct contacts with his parents, unless a court decision has found  it to be contrary to the child’s interests. Details shall be stipulated  by law.
  4. Children left without parental care shall be under the care and protection of the state.

Article 51. The Right to Receive Information

  1. Everyone shall have the right to receive information on  the activities of state and local self-government bodies and officials  and to become acquainted with documents about such activities.
  2. The  right to receive information may be restricted only by law with the aim  of protecting public interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of  others.
  3. The procedure of receiving information, as well as the  grounds of liability of officials for concealing information or  groundlessly refusing to provide information, shall be stipulated by  law.

Article 57. The Freedom to Choose Employment and the Labor Rights

  1. Everyone shall have the right to free choice of employment.
  2. Every  worker shall have the right to protection in case of groundless  dismissal from employment. The grounds of dismissal from employment  shall be stipulated by law.
  3. It shall be prohibited to dismiss  from employment due to reasons related to maternity. Every employed  woman shall have the right to paid leave in case of pregnancy and child  delivery. Every employed parent shall have the right to leave in case of  child birth or child adoption. Details shall be stipulated by law.

Article 59. The Freedom of Economic Activities and Guaranteeing Economic Competition

  1. Everyone shall have the right to engage in economic,  including entrepreneurial activities. The conditions and procedure of  exercising this right shall be stipulated by law.
  2. The  restrictions of competition, the possible types of monopoly, and their  permitted sizes may be stipulated only by law with the aim of protecting  public interests.
  3. Abuse of monopolistic or dominant position in  the market, bad-faith competition, and anti-competitive agreements  shall be prohibited.

Article 63. The Right to a Fair Trial (Part of it)

  1. Everyone shall have the right to a fair and public  hearing of his case within a reasonable period by an independent and  impartial court.
  2. In the cases and manner stipulated by law, the  court proceedings or a part thereof may be held in camera by a court  decision with the aim of protecting the private life of the participants  of proceedings, the interests of minors or the interests of justice, as  well as state security, the public order, or morals.

Article 82. Working Conditions

Every worker shall, in accordance with law, have the right to  healthy, safe, and dignifying working conditions, to limitation of the  maximum working time, to daily and weekly rest, and to annual paid  leave. 

Facts of Armenia’s Constitution

Article 18. The Armenian Apostolic Holy Church

  1. The Republic of Armenia shall recognize the exceptional  mission of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church, as the national church,  in the spiritual life of the Armenian people, in the development of its  national culture, and in the preservation of its national identity.
  2. The relationship between the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church may be regulated by a law.

Article 20. The State Language of the Republic of Armenia

The Armenian language shall be the state language of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 41. The Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion (Part of it)

4. Religious organizations shall have equal rights and shall enjoy autonomy. The procedure of creation and operation of religious organizations shall be stipulated by law.