Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe. With a population of
about 9 million, it has 83,871 square kilometers area. The official
language is German. There are three more recognized languages as well.
69% Christians, 22% have no religious affiliation or interest in
providing information, 8% Muslims.
There is not much to mention
about the Austrian constitution. One thing is interesting, however, is
the opportunity to move the capital elsewhere in an emergency. The
constitution of many countries mentions the name of the capital, but
what if there is a sudden war, epidemic, meteorite hit or different
disaster? This part of the Austrian constitution is therefore the
In addition, there is a constitutional obligation that no political boundary should form any exclave or enclave.

Admirable Articles of Austria’s Constitution
Art 5
1. The Federal capital and seat of the highest Federal authorities is Vienna.
2. For the duration of extraordinary circumstances the Federal President can, at the request of the Federal Government, relocate the seat of the highest Federal authorities to another location in the Federal territory.
Art 26
2. The Federal territory will be divided into self-contained constituencies whose boundaries may not overlap the Laender boundaries; these constituencies shall be sub-divided into self-contained regional constituencies.
Art 60
1. The Federal President is elected by the Federal
people on the basis of equal, direct, personal, free and secret
suffrage by men and women having suffrage to the National Council.