Laos is a landlocked country in Asia, sharing a border with Myanmar, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand. The population of this country is approx 77,49,595 with 2,36,800 square kilometers area. The official language is Lao; in real life Lao, Khmu, Hmong, Phu Thai, Tai, English, French languages are spoken. Ethnically Lao are half of the population here, 53% to be precise. Beside Lao, 11% Khmu, 9.2% Hmong, 3.4% Phu Thai, 3.1% Tai, 2.5% Makong, 2.2% Katang, 2.0% Lue, 1.8% Akha and others live here. 66% believe in Buddhism, and 31% believe in Tai folk religion.
One-party rule exists in Laos. This system was initiated to establish communism. Currently this system is obsolete. According to Article 14 of the Constitution the avenues of trade and commerce are open.
From 1964 to 1973, the United States carried out extensive aerial bombing and dropped two million tons of bombs. A small country like Laos is bombed almost as much as the United States dropped on Europe and Asia during the entirety of World War II. About eighty million bombs remain unexploded, making large amounts of land uncultivable. According to Article 19 of the Constitution, Laos is committed to environmental restoration.
The Constitution of Laos provides patronage to Buddhism.

Admirable Articles of Laos's Constitution
Article 1
The Lao People's Democratic Republic is an independent country with sovereignty and territorial integrity over its territorial waters and airspace. It is a unified country belonging to all its multi-ethnic people and is indivisible.
Article 14
The State promotes investment by all domestic economic sectors in production, commerce, and services, to contribute to the industrial transformation and modernization of, and to develop and strengthen, the national economy.
Article 19 (Amended)
The State promotes the protection and restoration of the environment which has been destroyed and degraded to develop it so that it may become abundant and sustainable.
All organizations and citizens must protect and
preserve the bio-diversity and use natural resources in line with the
direction of ensuring sustainability.
Article 27
The State and society attend to developing skilled labor, upgrading labor discipline, promoting vocational skills and occupations and protecting the legitimate rights and benefits of workers.
Article 39 (Part of it)
Lao citizens have the right to work and engage in occupations which are not contrary to the laws.
Article 42 (Amended) (Part of it)
Lao citizens have the right to prevent the violations to their life, body, integrity and properties.
Facts of Laos's Constitution
Since the 1930's, under the correct leadership of the former Indochinese Communist Party and the present Lao People's Revolutionary Party, the multi-ethnic Lao people have carried out difficult and arduous struggles full of great sacrifices until they managed to crush the yokes of domination and oppression, tumble the colonial and feudal regimes, completely liberate the country and establish the Lao People's Democratic Republic on 2 December 1975, thus opening a new era - an era of genuine independence for the country and true freedom for the people.
During the years since the country has been liberated, under the leadership of Lao Revolutionary Party, our people have together been implementing the two strategic tasks of defending and building the country, especially the undertaking of reforms on every side, guided by the principles of mobilizing the resources within the nation and the era to preserve the people's democratic regime, the people's wealth, prosperity, social harmony, democracy, justice and civilization, creating conditions to move towards socialism.
Article 3
The rights of the multi-ethnic people to be the masters of the country are exercised and ensured through the functioning of the political system with the Lao People's Revolutionary Party as its leading nucleus.
Article 4 (Amended) (Part of it)
Voters have the right to propose the removal of their own representatives if they are found to behave in a way unbefitting their [honorable positions] and to lose the people's confidence.
Article 7 (Amended)
The Lao Front for National Construction, the Lao Veterans Federation, the Lao Federation of Trade Unions, the Lao People's Revolutionary Youth Union, the Lao Women's Union and other social organizations are the organizations to unite and mobilize all strata of the multi-ethnic people to take part in the tasks of protection and construction of the country, to develop the right of self-determination of the people, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of members of their respective organizations. They have the right and duty to monitor the activities of the National Assembly, Local People's Assemblies and other members of such assemblies.
Article 8 (Amended)
The State pursues the policy of promoting unity and equality among all ethnic groups. All ethnic groups have the right to protect, preserve and promote the fine customs and cultures of their own tribes and of the nation. All acts creating division and discrimination among ethnic groups are prohibited.
The State uses every measure to gradually develop and upgrade the socio-economic levels of all ethnic groups.
Article 9 (Amended)
The State respects and protects all lawful activities of Buddhists and of followers of other religions, [and] mobilizes and encourages Buddhist monks and novices as well as the priests of other religions to participate in activities that are beneficial to the country and people. All acts creating division between religions and classes of people are prohibited.
Article 10 (Amended)
The State manages and protects the society through the provisions of the Constitution and the laws.
Party and state organizations, the Lao Front for National Construction, mass organizations, social organizations and all citizens must function within the bounds of the Constitution and the laws.
Article 36 (Amended)
Lao citizens aged eighteen years and above have the right to vote and those aged twenty years and above have the right to be elected, except insane persons, persons with mental disorders and persons whose rights to vote and to be elected have been revoked by a court.