Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked country in Central Asia, sharing a border with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. But there is no border with Russia. The population of this country is approx 70,00,000 with 1,99,951 square kilometers area. 77.5% Kyrgyz, 14.2% Uzbeks, 4.1% Russians and people of other ethnicities live in Kyrgyzstan. In terms of religion, 90% are Muslims and 7% are Christians.
Political diversity and multi-party systems are recognized, but the formation of political parties on religious or ethnic grounds is prohibited. Unconstitutional usurpation of state power is a crime of the highest degree. Any such activity is legal, which is not prohibited by the constitution and the law. Unless one's guilt is proved beyond reasonable doubt, he or she or zee is entitled to acquittal. No one can be convicted of an offense solely on the basis of the accused's own confession to the commission of the offence. The marriage will be registered by the authorities.
The current constitution is quite dictatorial, and the present 2021 constitution stipulates a five-year term for the president and can be elected twice. In the 2010 constitution ,prior to the current constitution, the term of the president was six years, and the president could be elected at most once in his life.

Admirable Articles of Kyrgyzstan's Constitution
Article 4 (Part of it)
1. Political diversity and multi-party system shall be recognized in the Kyrgyz Republic.
4. The following shall be prohibited in the Kyrgyz Republic:
1. merger of state, municipal and party institutions; establishment and activity of party organizations in state and municipal institutions and organizations; carrying out party activity by civil and municipal servants except for the cases when such activity is implemented outside their official duties;
2. membership of those serving in the army, law-enforcement agencies as well as judges in political parties as well as their statements in support of any political party;
3. creation of political parties on religious or ethnic basis as well as pursuit of political goals by religious associations;
4. creation of militant formations by associations of citizens;
5. activity of political parties, public and religious organizations, their representations and branches in the event that such structures pursue political goals aimed at forced change of the constitutional setup, undermining national security, incitement of social, racial, inter-national, inter-ethnic and religious hatred.
Article 5
1. The state and its authorities shall serve for the benefit of the entire society and not a certain part thereof.
2. No part of the population, no association and no separate person shall have the right to monopolize power in the state. Usurpation of state power shall be considered as a gravest crime.
3. The state, its authorities, local self-government bodies and officials thereof shall not go beyond the limits of powers defined in the present Constitution and laws.
4. State authorities, local self-governance bodies and officials thereof shall be responsible for any illegal action in accordance with the regulations envisaged in the law.
Article 6 (Part of it)
1. The Constitution shall have supreme legal force and direct application in the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. The Constitution shall serve the basis for the adoption of constitutional laws, laws as well as other regulatory legal acts.
Article 12 (Part of it)
5. The land, its resources, airspace, waters, forests, flora and fauna, as well as other natural resources shall be the exclusive property of the Kyrgyz Republic; these shall be used for the purpose of preserving a unified environmental system as the basis of life and activity of the people of Kyrgyzstan and shall enjoy special protection from the State.
Land may also be in private, municipal and other forms of ownership except for pastures which may not be in private property.
Article 18
Everyone shall have the right to perform any action and activity except for those prohibited by the present Constitution and laws.
Article 26 (Part of it)
1. Everyone shall be presumed innocent of committing a crime until found guilty in accordance with the law and his/her guilt was ascertained by a court verdict having entered into force. The violation of this principle shall serve a basis for the compensation of material and moral damage through a court.
2. No one should prove his/her innocence. Any doubts in respect of culpability shall be interpreted for the benefit of the accused.
3. No one shall be convicted of a crime solely on the basis of his/her own confession in having committed an offense.
4. The burden of proof of guilt in criminal case shall be on the accuser. Evidence obtained in violation of the law shall not be used for the justification of the accusation and delivery of court verdict.
Article 31
1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought and opinion.
2. Everyone shall have the right to free expression of opinion, freedom of speech and press.
3. No one may be forced to express his/her opinion or deny it.
4. The propagation of national, ethnic, racial and religious hatred, gender as well as other social supremacy which calls to discrimination, hostility and violence shall be prohibited.
Article 36
1. Family shall be the foundation of the society. Family, paternity, maternity and childhood shall be the subject of care of the entire society and preferential protection by law.
2. Each child shall have the right to the level of life, necessary for his/her physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development.
3. The responsibility for ensuring living conditions necessary for the development of a child, shall be borne by each of the parents or other persons rearing a child within their capacity and financial possibilities.
4. The state shall ensure the maintenance, upbringing and education to child orphans and children deprived of parental care.
5. A family is created upon voluntary union of a man and a woman who reached the age of consent and entry into marriage. No marriage shall be entered into without mutual consent of persons desiring to marry. The marriage shall be registered by the state.
The spouses shall have equal rights and obligations in marriage and family.
Article 39
Everyone shall have the right to compensation for any damage caused by illegal acts of state authorities, local self governance bodies or officials thereof in their official capacity.
Article 61
1. The President shall be elected by the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic for a term of 6 years.
2. One and the same person may not be elected President twice.
Article 99 (Part of it)
1. The cases in all courts shall be heard in an open manner. The hearing of a case in closed session shall be permitted only in cases provided for in the law. The decision of the court shall be announced publicly.